We typically talk about Lent being a journey. We write “God bless your Lenten journey!” in our newsletters, and we sing “Bless now, O God, the journey that all your people make.” And it’s true: there is movement in Lent. Jesus moves from the mountain on Transfiguration to the desert temptation, then into Jerusalem and onto the cross and (spoiler?) up from the grave. We hope that our Lenten journey will mirror Jesus’ and help us conform our lives to Christ’s life, death, resurrection.

But what if Lent isn’t only about journey? What if Lent is also about stationary place? This year for Lent we will be focusing on places: Our homes, our city, our church, our places of peace.

This series will be in-person and virtual starting on Sunday March 6th at 11am

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How does your Lent journey connect to healing and justice in our world?”
Wednesdays in Lent at 7:30pm
Meets Virtually

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