There is exile, there is return, and then there is a third movement: being sent back out into the world for the sake of our neighbors and creation as a whole. It’s being commissioned, sent for the sake of God’s love and justice, God’s future of hope.
St. Paul UMC is a community of return, a place of homecoming. And it’s also a community of sending, a place that commissions us as agents of God’s love and grace, so that all may experience a sense of homecoming into God’s new world of compassion, dignity, and joy.
We have been asking you to prayerfully ask what God’s hopes are for your 2022 giving, to ask God to make you part of this church’s great outpouring of generosity. We invite you to bring your Estimate of Giving card with you on November 21st or to fill out your estimate of giving card virtually here.
“I will fulfill to you my promise and bring you back to this place. For surely I know the plans I have for you, says God, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”
+ Jeremiah 29:10-11