The St. Paul UMC Missions and outreach teams works together to create opportunities to engage and support our community. Check out some of the great events we’ve already had this year! Click here to see upcoming opportunities!
December brought the 40th Anniversary of the Candlelight Tour of Homes! After postponing during the pandemic, we were so excited to open our doors to the community once again. The return of our annual tradition was a huge success with 10 Tour Stops, a bustling Artists Market & Bake Sale, Candlelight Concert, and the return of Winter Wonderland (and Santa!) for the kids.
Be sure to mark your calendar’s for next year’s Tour: December 9th & 10th, 2023!

Every year St. Paul UMC adopts a family through Wellroot Family Services (formerly the United Methodist Children’s Home). As a generous congregation we collect gifts and funds to help families have a warm and merry Christmas. We also collect funds for The Stewart Center to distribute to the families the center serves. We are excited to share that in 2022 we were able to fulfill all the wishes for the adopted families and send hundreds of dollars in gift cards to support the families at The Stewart Center.
Read more about the Wellroot gift distribution here.

October is PRIDE month in Atlanta! In honor of Pride Month we participated in the Atlanta Pride Parade AND we collected home goods to donate to Lost-N-Found Youth’s Thrift store. Lost-N-Found Youth is a homeless shelter for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults. They seek to end homelessness for all LGBTQ youth by providing them with the skills and support needed to live independently and they envision a world where all youth feel safe and supported to live and love authentically.

On Sunday August 14th we put together more than 100 lunch bags for the guests at the Central Presbyterian Outreach and Advocacy Center. At Central OAC, their purpose is to open doors to overcome and prevent homelessness. Their vision is to be passionate advocates and invested partners for those experiencing homelessness. We are blessed to be a part of their vision!

In June and July we had five weeks of our “St. Paul Kids Serve Camp.” St.Paul Kids Serve Camps have a mission to help kids become empowered stewards of their community through service. During the month of June our campers partnered with the Stewart Center to put together snack bags for their summer camp, they put together hygiene kits for Intown Collaborative Ministries, and cleaned up our community by picking up trash in the neighborhood. Our kids have also explored topics such as outer space, science, and bugs! We are so grateful to be teaching our kids about service and helping others at the same time!

In May we partnered with WellRoot Family Services (formerly the United Methodist Children’s Home) to pack 300 goodie bags for their annual FamFest Celebration for foster families in Georgia at Six Flags!
In March, for our Lenten Project, the St. Paul Kids raised enough money to purchase a heifer, a goat, and six flocks of chickens for Heifer International!
In February during our “Show me the Love” drive, we collected nearly 500 canned goods for Intown Collaborative Ministries.

For our MLK Day of service we partnered with The Stewart Center. Together, 26 volunteers made 500 snack bags, did light yardwork, and primed 5 apartments to get them ready for paint. These apartments will be used for affordable housing in the area.
“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve”
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.