"Don't call it a comeback, I been here for years"
- LL Cool J in a song completely unrelated to this Sunday
Back to Church Sunday
Sunday September 18th
10am - Sunday School ~ Choir ~ Coffee Hour
11am - Worship
12pm - BBQ Lunch in the Fellowship Hall
It felt good to travel a little bit this summer, have dinner at restaurants with friends, and now, to see the yellow buses on the roads and kids walking to school. Though we know the COVID virus is still with us, we’re learning how to live with it.
Can you believe that we were out of our Sanctuary for 18 months during the worst of the pandemic? It was heartbreaking and difficult to not be able to gather in person for worship during that time, but our staff and members kept going, not giving up. We learned many new things – mostly about flexibility, but also about perseverance and hope.
Even in these last two and a half years of change, turmoil, and challenges, St. Paul UMC has continued working to be a comfort in a challenging time and a good neighbor in all that we do. This community should be proud of how we have weathered the challenges and how the Spirit has grown us not only in numbers but also in faith and love.
And now – it’s already been one full year since returning to in-person worship! Though we’ve been diving into our “new normal” you may have noticed that there are still some folks missing. If you look around the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings there may be some faces that you would love to see again. So that’s where we need your help!
On Sunday, September 18th, we’ll have our first “Back to Church Sunday” celebration! On that Sunday we’ll have a special 11:00 AM worship service full of music and fun and the Holy Spirit. Then after worship we’ll gather for a BBQ lunch and some homemade ice cream and desserts. It’s going to be a wonderful day and we hope you’ll join us! We also hope that you’ll tell your friends about it and invite others who you haven’t seen in a while.
We are happy and grateful that this fall the majority of our ministries that were either postponed or shifted in the last few years are returning. We have a full fall schedule and we’re excited about being together in this community of faith!
Let’s do this: Let’s invite someone who you miss seeing in worship. Maybe it’s someone who has fallen away in the last few years or someone who is just waiting for your invitation. Now is your chance! Take a moment to invite them to Back to Church Sunday. They would love to hear from you.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Love you all and we’ll see you in church!
Jeff McCord, Lay Leader