The Church Council reviewed a long list of potential capital projects which would protect and enhance our sacred space. The top five projects are below in priority ranking:
1. Replace education roof: The roof of the education building is at the end of its useful life, having been installed in 1986. We’ve been blessed not to have substantial leaks already. Estimated cost: $27,000.
2. Repair education building fascia: The fascia is beginning to rot and fail. Estimated cost: $12,500.
3. Repair the roofs of sanctuary towers: The north bell tower needs some substantial structural repairs and a new roof. The south tower structure should be done at same time. Estimated cost: $10,000, plus structural work $7,500.
4. Complete HVAC systems: Substantial work was done on the HVAC in the summer of 2015, and several units were replaced. However, the remaining units/systems need replacing. Estimated cost to do remaining work: $60,000.
5. Repointing stone: This major repair would be funded with remaining funds; if the complete amount is not raised, the critical areas would be addressed. Repointing corrects water seepage through the stone work in the sanctuary due to decaying mortar. Estimated cost: $133,000 +.
Total Estimated Costs: $250,000
Note: The church will not incur long-term debt. These projects will be done as funds are committed.