Dear Friends,
During the upcoming holidays, we invite you to join us for the Holy Days of Advent and Christmas. Please join us for inspiring worship as we celebrate our community of faith, our neighborhood, friends and family, the birth of Jesus Christ, and the hope, joy, love and peace of Christmas!
An Advent devotional booklet is available in the Sanctuary for your spiritual
enrichment and enjoyment. This booklet is designed for you to read a short devotional every day, between Nov. 29th and Dec. 26th. May it help you to bring joy and wholeness to this season, which can often be fraught with busy-ness and stress.
Blessings to each of you in this holy time. May you be blessed in your homes and in your souls with the hope, peace, joy and love of Christmas!

Pastor Ellen

Advent Study, Sundays, Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20, 10 am:
Pastor Ellen Hopkins will lead an Advent Study, The Journey, using source material from Adam Hamilton. This drop-in study will help us better understand the events leading up to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, and the theological significance of the Nativity and its meaning for our lives.

Sermon Series, Nov. 29, Dec. 6 and Dec 20 will be based on the theme “Unto Us a Child is Born” using reference materials from Henri J.M. Nouwen. Devotional booklets by Nouwen for personal use are available in the sanctuary.