The St. Paul UMC Missions and outreach teams works together to create opportunities to engage and support our community. Check out some of the great events we’ve already had this year! Click here to see upcoming opportunities!
December brought the 41st Anniversary of the Candlelight Tour of Homes! The annual tradition was a huge success with a record number of tickets sold. With nine homes, three special stops, a bustling Artists Market & Bake Sale, Candlelight Concert, and Winter Wonderland (and Santa!) for the kids the holiday spirit was impossible to deny! Be sure to mark your calendar’s for next year’s Tour: December 14th & 15th, 2024!
Every year St. Paul UMC adopts a family through Wellroot Family Services (formerly the United Methodist Children’s Home). As a generous congregation we collect gifts and funds to help families have a warm and merry Christmas. We also collect funds for The Stewart Center to distribute to the families the center serves. We are excited to share that in 2023 we again were able to fulfill all the wishes for the adopted families and send hundreds of dollars in gift cards to support the families at The Stewart Center. Read more about the Wellroot gift distribution here.
In August we were out in our neighborhood community sharing the love of St Paul at the annual Grant Park Summer Shade Festival. We shared who we are, passed out koozies, and invited folks to participate in a community art project with out “lend a hand” banner that we later hung outside the church for all to see.

Our annual School Supply Drive for the Andrew P. Stewart Center was a huge success! Thank you to all who contributed to make sure that the students have what they need for a successful start to the school year. For this event we also got to use our new donation drop box at the front of the church to make it easier for community members to participate! Keep an eye out for the next time it shows up out front!
In June, we put together more than 100 lunch bags for the guests at the Central Presbyterian Outreach and Advocacy Center. At Central OAC, their purpose is to open doors to overcome and prevent homelessness.
In May, we had a great time serving dinner right in our neighborhood at Nicholas House. Thank you to all who provided, prepped, and served dinner! Nicholas House’s mission is to help families experiencing homelessness become self-sufficient by providing them with stable housing while addressing the root causes of their homelessness so that they never become homeless again.
In March, for our Lenten Project, the St. Paul Kids raised over $200 through an art raffle, lemonade stand, and direct donations to send to Child’s Play to improve pediatric hospital patients’ lives through the power of play.
A big THANK YOU to all who contributed to this year’s Share The Love Food Drive! We were able to best our count last year with over 550 items collected to donate to our friends at Intown Collaborative Ministries ! Check out ICM’s website at https://intowncm.org/ to learn more about what they do and other ways you can help

For our MLK Day of service we partnered with The Stewart Center and had a great day “on” with over 41 volunteers coming out to help prep a home in the Pittsburgh Community for their next neighbor! All ages were there and it was a huge success!“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.