What do you call the area at the rear of the sanctuary?
How old is the church?
Why does the pastor wear a stole?
Did Jesus have siblings?
Who can be ordained in the United Methodist Church?
Can God make a rock so heavy that God can't pick it up?
I’m curious to know what the Bible says about homosexuality. I don’t ever remember reading or hearing about it in church, even as a child. I have a hard time when Christians turn people away and make them feel unworthy and unwelcome.
What is the highest clerical "Role" in the UMC? Is there someone over the bishops?
Is Satan Real?
Which Pagan tradition is similar to Ash Wednesday?
Why is there somthing rather than nothing?
Who was the oldest Disciple?
The Lenten Season is 40 days. Why?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Is God in my head? (asked by a 5 year old after reading the church ceiling)
What is God calling us to do?
What is candy?
Will there be a baseball sermon series?
Why haven't we has a sermon series based on the greatest movie ever, Spice World?
Why do some people suffer more than others?
Can I fully believe in all paths to God being valid paths and still be a good Christian?
What is the picture of in the biggest stained glass window?
How did you make the basketball medals?
Why did God make the earth?
Why is it called Fat Tuesday?
Is God real?
Are Unicorn's real?
What was the nature of Eve's relationship with God before the Serpent queried? Did God give reason for Eve's mistrust? Is God in the serpent?
Will God send 6 billion non-Christians to hell because they don't love him?
What are some traditions that people have to recognize and observe Lent over the years?
Did Jesus really not eat or drink for 40 days?
Who made the beautiful stained glass windows?
In the Lord's Prayer "lead us not into temptation" Why would God lead us into temptation?