What do we believe?  There has been a lot of talk lately in the Methodist world about beliefs and theology.  As our denomination continues toward a split over full inclusion in the church, accusations have been made by different sides of the debate about basic tenets of our faith.  In lieu of these accusations it seems helpful for us to do a series on what it is we believe as United Methodists. Every so often there will be a new topics and new discussion. 

The United Methodist Church was founded on the beliefs and practices of John Wesley.  The tenets of the United Methodist Church have ebbed and flowed over the course of the years with the leading of the Spirit, but there are some basic foundations that have stayed true to us from our foundation.  It’s important to note that these doctrines do not prevent us from asking questions, from doubting, from praying and seeking over the course of our faith walk.  However, these doctrines and theologies are foundational for every part of our faith and church.

If there is a particular topic that you are interesting in learning more about please email Pastor Cassie at cassie@stpaulgrantpark.org

To read more about common questions of the UMC click here

This I believe Topics